Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

About PRP Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy in Nashik is one of the best solutions for hair loss available currently. It not only reduces the number of hairs you lose every day but also stimulate fresh growth so you can see visible results within 3-4 months of getting the treatment.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a painless procedure and it takes nearly 30- 40 minutes to prepare the solution. Blood from the arm of a patient is taken and then is put into a machine called centrifuge machine in a marked container designed specifically for the preparation of PRP. When the centrifuge machine whirl at a high speed then it splits the blood into red blood cells & concentrated platelets. Once the red blood cells are separated from the plasma. The plasma which is affluent in platelets is ready to use for a cure and it is injected directly into the scalp.

Hair growth enhancement started typically in about 3-4  months, but usually, it takes 6 to 12 months to visually “see” spot the difference in photos and in the mirror. It is noticed that PRP therapy works better in cases, where hair loss is recent.

In PRP many patients experience different timeframes to get the result, It depends upon the severity of the hair loss. And after receiving treatment every 3 to 6 months it stimulates the stem cells and regrows hair, also reduces hair fall.

Some facts about PRP Therapy in Nashik

PRP Therapy involves a process of extracting your own blood and separating out platelets & plasma by spinning it in a centrifuge.

After red blood cells are separated, the plasma is concentrated with platelets, now injected back into your scalp.

Platelet therapy plays a significant role in the healing of wounds, and hair loss signals follicles in need of healing.

Using PRP therapy in Dhule for hair loss has met with success in quite a number of patients who have experienced a complete recovery from balding and hair loss.

As with any hair loss treatment in Mumbai, it takes months for the follicle to enhance and produce the striking results of stronger healthier & strong hair.

In PRP therapy, the improvement of new hair can usually be seen four to six months after the injections of PRP.

Hair will continue to become stronger & thicker for nearly 15 months after the treatment.

But regular PRP injections are needed to maintain the results and to avoid lapse of the hair growth.

On average, most of the patients will require an initial three treatments in approximately four to six weeks apart. Another treatment is also recommended in 12 months.

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